An Article in Voyage Dallas: Conversations with Terri Parke

Conversations with Terri Parke Here’s an article that was published in Voyage Dallas. I’m excited to be a part of it. Voyage Dallas is a magazine that publishes articles. Since I live in the North Texas area, fairly close to Dallas, I was a candidate for being included in their piece. In the article IContinue reading “An Article in Voyage Dallas: Conversations with Terri Parke”

Blue Caboose Children’s Fund (BCCF): Providing Emotional, Concrete and Parental Support

Here’s an article about the non-profit, Blue Caboose Children’s Fund. We provide support to families living with CF by providing emotional, financial, and concrete supports. North Texas Giving Day, in September of each year, is a day where people can give to causes they support, and we were lucky enough to be supported through this by SweetWaters Cafe in McKinney Texas. I’m on the board, and here is my story

Leadership: Using Empathy ‘I Hear You Saying You Are Frustrated’

So anyone who lives in the US (or really, in the world) knows that there has been a recent election in the US. It was, or is, a very tight race, with lots of people voting for the candidates whom they feel best represent their interests, their level of comfort, and numerous other reasons thatContinue reading “Leadership: Using Empathy ‘I Hear You Saying You Are Frustrated’”

I’m a ‘Boss’,but I’m not ‘Bossy’: Leading with Authenticity and Servant Leadership

In my most recent article on leadership, I wrote about leadership in children. In this article, I’m focusing on leadership as it goes along with leadership style. In 2015, I attended a training on Protective Factors. At one point during the 3-day training, the leader had us write a sentence about ourselves, where we saidContinue reading “I’m a ‘Boss’,but I’m not ‘Bossy’: Leading with Authenticity and Servant Leadership”

Let’s Play ‘Family!’ I’ll be the Aunt: Leading Through Play and a Look at Generational Differences

Have you ever watched a group of children play together, as they organize themselves while they determine what to play and who plays what role? I’m pretty fascinated by group dynamics, and love to watch groups of people; adult, children, and in between; interact and make decisions. We played a lot of kickball when IContinue reading “Let’s Play ‘Family!’ I’ll be the Aunt: Leading Through Play and a Look at Generational Differences”